Archive for November 2012

Dropbox integration

We are excited to announce that users can now directly upload files and evidence from their Dropbox account to their GPTools appraisal. Your dropbox files will be available to the appraiser and RO as normally uploaded local files would be. This really opens up a whole new world of possibilities…. If you don’t have a Dropbox account yet, what are you waiting for?

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GPTools is as Easy as Email

I just read an excellent post by 37signal’s Jason Fried, called
‘Competing on easy.’

To quote, ” I like to make things easier for people. I love competing on easy. I find easy to be the most personally rewarding, too. It has such direct impact. When something is easier, you feel it. You’ve done it the hard way before, so when you experience the easy way you immediately know the difference. Easy feels like a cold Coke on a hot day. It’s just so satisfying. The harder it’s been – the thirstier you are – the better it tastes, too. Another thing about easy – it’s personal. “Thank you” is often a response you hear when you make something easier for someone. Easier is appreciated.”

At GPTools we are proud to say we also ‘compete on easy’ and that is what drives us. Try us and you’ll realize how easy appraisal and revalidation can be.

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